Wednesday, February 25, 2004

From The Mind of HaVoC

is the cutest blog I've ever seen. I'm in love with this page design. Lookit those colors! The wacky strawberry theme! I love his sidebar with the colored headers... Furthermore, those little stars marking the posts are too cute to resist. I don't think I've ever liked a page with bright colors so much but somehow, this kid uses them to great effect.

Stencil Revolution

is a great design with a scrollbar and some great use of pictures. I'm a huge fan of sites that actually teach you how to do things (tutorials, d.i.y. guides, etc.) and this one's complete with news and an integrated forum and a gallery. The design is simple but clean and I think it's really readable. Dividing content into boxes helps and I think the menubar at the top is something that, while maybe not the most eye-catching method, is an indispensable method of navigation. It's great to have graphical navigation menus, but when it comes down to it, people really have to be able to move around the page as easily and intuitively as possible.

gURL guide to HTML

Half because I'm a shameless self-promoter (I made this tutorial in 1998 and it's still going strong) and half because I think it's a very helpful resource, I thought I'd throw in the link to the HTML how-to. used to be extremely cool in design and concept and then it just shattered my heart by selling out and becoming a tool for the advertising industry to reach young women. It's covered in crappy ads now.. and it's just pathetically overblown and overburdened. But the tutorial is simple; since it was done in 1998, there's nothing fancy about it. It just has some easy-to-understand instructions geared toward girls making their first HTML post or site. I hope it can help people feel more confident about writing code.

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