Wednesday, November 03, 2004

eSchool News online

Blogs, blogging. Teachers blog about education news. Collaborative tools are gaining acceptance. A blog isn't always just one writer rapping about his or her feelings. eSchool News online

Some programs for students who are interested in working for themselves

In your worklife, you may find your career path is going to be similar to that of an artist, who is essentially an entrepreneur. Tomorrow's reporter will be a freelancer who may benefit from considering what artists have always done to survive without a steady job...

Evanston Arts Council presents: "Talk Arts: Doing It Yourself"
6:30 - 8:30 pm, Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Noyes Cultural Arts Center
927 Noyes Street
Evanston, Illinois

The Evanston Arts Council is proud to announce the establishment of a new quarterly series of free events entitled "Talk Arts", informational evenings for artists of all disciplines. Each of these gatherings will consist of a panel of experts sharing their knowledge and personal experiences in an informal and interactive exchange with other artists who are looking to further their understanding of what it takes to build a successful career in the arts. The inaugural event is set for Wednesday, November 10, 2004 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Noyes Cultural Arts Center (located at 927 Noyes Street in Evanston, IL), and will concern the D.I.Y. ethic: "Talk Arts: Doing It Yourself."

Forging a career for oneself in the arts can be an incredibly daunting task, but it need not be so. Do It Yourself does not mean Go It Alone. If your aim is make it on your own terms as a writer, musician, filmmaker, actor, designer or visual artist, the Do It Yourself ethic is essential to actualizing one's potential. Learn directly from the revealing insights of folks that have been in the trenches, learning through trial and error, and mostly importantly, from fellow artist entrepreneurs.

The panel will include visual artist Christa Donner, comedic filmmaker Willy Laszlo, musician Damon Locks and freelance writer Kari Lydersen, and it will be moderated by Brent Ritzel (publisher of Zine Guide and co-founder of the Self-Publishers Event Council of Chicago).

Future dates include:
Monday, February 7, 2005: "Talk Arts: The Business of Art - Bottom Line Basics", moderated by Evanston Arts Council member Lois Roewade, this evening will include a panel composed of a public relations representative, an arts columnist/critic, and a representative from the Lawyers for the Creative Arts. There will be a discussion of marketing and promotion techniques, the best ways to establish good media relations, and suggestions concerning ways to bring your work to the public. You can contact Lois at

Wednesday, May 11, 2005: "Talk Arts: Legal Issues", moderated by Evanston Arts Council member Valerie Calloway, this evening will include a discussion of intellectual property questions, contracts, insurance and basic income tax information. The panel will include an intellectual property attorney who specializes in representing artists, an insurance attorney specializing in insuring art and artists, an attorney who specializes in internet law, and an attorney who represents Chicago-area art galleries. You can contact Valerie at

Wednesday, September 14, 2005: "Talk Arts: Transitions and Variations", moderated by Evanston Arts Council Chairperson Ginny Roeder, this evening will include a panel composed of a writer, a dancer and a visual artist who will address the fact that in the 21st century, where events and sensory stimuli are moving and changing at a rapid rate, and where individuals are living longer, many contemporary artists have found themselves pushing their art and their jobs in various creative directions in response to this complexity. You can contact Ginny at

Each of these events will take place at the Noyes Cultural Arts Center, 927 Noyes Street in Evanston, IL (home of the Piven Theatre Workshop and Next Theatre) from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in studio 106. Refreshments will be served and audience participation is highly encouraged.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Poynter Online - 101 Websites: Snapshots of Election Eve, Election Day

News moves to Web. Mainstream election coverage is going "bloggy" and Flash and Javascript interactive maps and things are proliferating. When I get back from ONA, I will teach you all some Flash....Poynter Online - 101 Websites: Snapshots of Election Eve, Election Day