Thursday, August 18, 2005

A 'Blogswarm' Stings Old Media Into Action |

This story as Air America, blogging, MSM (mainstream media), Eliot Spitzer, and Al Franken in it. Plus, there's a lot of money at stake...

Notice that though this is a blog post, the blogger interviewed Jay Rosen among other things, and did not just echo what was out there in the blogosphere.A 'Blogswarm' Stings Old Media Into Action |

Time to check: Are you using the right blogging tool?

Time to check: Are you using the right blogging tool?

Flickr as a game. What an idea.

Can we do something like this? Can we make a flickr game students will play? the possibilities are interesting.Poynter Online - E-Media Tidbits

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Inside Higher Ed :: Crossing Over: Part Two

Writing to be read. When we go from print or broadcast or speech and memos to being online, aren't we also "crossing over?" We need to consider what our voice is online, and how its going to become a siren song for our viewer/users.Inside Higher Ed :: Crossing Over: Part Two: "%u201CMake the reader see, make the reader feel, what was happening. If it was thrilling, make it seem so.%u201D "