Thursday, March 04, 2004

Hi everyone,

Sorry that I've missed class the last two weeks. Between missing the train and getting sick, it's been bad luck all around. Just so you know that I haven't abandoned you all, I thought I'd throw you a quick design concept, loosely based on the design that Barb posted. You can see the prototype here.

Note that it has no graphics whatsoever, but right now, I'm working with what is effectively a typewriter -- just a keyboard and MS Notepad. So without access to graphics programs, I can't do any graphics. Before class on Wednesday, I swear, I'll post a bunch of really sweet graphical designs for y'all to peruse.

Because I missed out on a ton of discussion about what we want this site to look like, could someone fill me in a little? E-mail me at with input.

Again, sorry about flaking out for two weeks. I'm still very much engaged in this project. Expect to hear more from me after the weekend. I have a bunch of ideas on paper that I'll be plugging into Dreamweaver next time I have a chance to sit down at a computer that wasn't generously donated to your public library by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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